Treatment services provided for symptoms including:


Most people experience anxiety, worry, and stress as a regular part of everyday life.  Without anxiety, we would not be able to anticipate challenging situations ahead and prepare for them.  However, when anxious feelings occur frequently and begin to interfere with your daily life, it can become overwhelming.  Experiencing symptoms such as muscle tension, inability to relax, constant worry, fear or confusion, sweaty hands, shortness of breath, palpitations, upset stomach, and poor concentration can cause extreme discomfort and, in some cases, feelings of helplessness.  I can work together with you to help you understand your anxiety and teach you effective strategies to better manage and reduce your anxious feelings.


Symptoms of depression can include persistent feelings of sadness, irritability, hopelessness, anger, guilt, despair, a lack of energy or motivation, tearfulness, negative thinking, sleep disturbances, and/or a loss of interest in activities that you once enjoyed.  Depression can take a toll on your enjoyment of life, your performance at work or school, and negatively impact your relationships with others.  If left untreated, depression can get worse.  When you are struggling with depression, it can take a lot to reach out for help, however, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to receive support by engaging in the process of talk-therapy.  I can help you to develop and strengthen coping skills and improve your mood so that you can take positive steps towards a more fulfilling life.  

Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Over time, alcohol and substance use can progress and begin to have a negative impact on your life.  If you have experienced negative consequences as a result of your drug and/or alcohol use, yet find yourself continuing to engage in the same behaviors, it may be time to seek help.  Perhaps you have contemplated making changes but have some reservations about doing so, or you are not sure how or where to begin.  Have you started making changes already and have found it is much more difficult than you thought it would be to sustain these changes long-term?  I can assist you by providing support, teaching skills, and by helping you to develop strategies and resources so that you can successfully establish and maintain a substance-free lifestyle.


Trauma results from exposure to an event, a series of events, and/or a chronic set of circumstances that are experienced as physically or emotionally harmful or threatening and has a lasting impact on a person's life in a number of ways.  Individuals that have experienced trauma are often at a higher risk for substance use disorders, mental health problems such as anxiety or depression, sleep disturbances, and relationship or social problems.  Trauma can make you feel detached and disconnected from everyone and everything.  By utilizing interventions from a collaborative, strengths-based approach that focuses on the tools that aid in healing, you can begin to increase your emotional resiliency, facilitate your personal journey of healing, and once again connect with yourself and others.